Daily Attendance Matters
Students are expected to attend school every day. In addition to the truancy Laws in the State of California, children who miss school miss out on opportunities to learn, build lasting friendships, and develop the skills and attitudes needed to become good citizens and valued employees. There is a clear connection between student attendance and student performance in school.
Frequent illness absences will be referred to the school nurse, and a doctor's note will be required for subsequent absences. Students with excessive absences and/or truancies will be invited to attend Core Academy to make up absences and/or referred to SARB, the School Attendance Review Board.
Reporting Absences
Reporting a student absence - If your student will be absent from school, it is very important to call the school office and inform them of the reason for the absence and the expected date of return. All absences must be cleared by the parent/guardian within five (5) days; otherwise, the absence will be considered unexcused or truant.
At Hancock, you can contact our attendance clerk at 619-605-3200 press "1" for attendance or you can use this form.
Making Up Absences
On various Saturdays throughout the year, Hancock will offer Core Academy. Core Academy is an additional instructional day (4 hours on a Saturday) offering academic support in various core subject areas to help students reach their academic goals and allows students to make up one full day of absence and up to 4 tardy days. Sessions run 8:00am - 12:00pm. A breakfast and lunch meal is available for all students attending Core Academy at no charge. Check with our office for dates and how to sign up!